
发布者: [发表时间]:2012-05-25 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Join HongKee Group Management Trainees Program—A Road to Success


Our company,HONGKEE FOOD & BEVERAGE GROUP (CHINA) HOLDING LIMITEDis a food and beverages enterprise comprising of:

(1)  a management and consultancy service arm specializes in providing management and consultancy services to food and beverages operators;

(2)  a restaurant chain arm serving creative Hong Kong style cuisine;

(3)  a fast food chain arm, serving specially selected and unique Hong Kong style cuisine and fast food within China.  

Our Management Philosophy 

We value and care about people highly (both in terms of customers and staff)! We value our customers by providing them with attentive personal service. We care for them by providing them with safe, healthy and delicious cuisine in a clean, friendly and cosy environment at an affordable price! We value our staff by treating them with respect and care, providing them with competitive remuneration package and incentives, homely accommodation and friendly working environment, as well as career development through various training programs and promotion based on merit! We value our society by treating our environment with respect. We will use environmental friendly ingredients for our food (e.g., organic vegetables and meats), utensils and apparatus in our outlets! We care about the under-privileged group in our society by providing them with job opportunities whenever possible. Each year, our board of directors will decide and set aside a percentage of our profit as donation to help the under-privileged!          

Management Trainees Program 

We are seeking young talents to join this exciting and fast growing business as a management trainee with an ultimate objective of, upon satisfactorily completion of the 2 years training program, becoming a junior executive within our corporation. 


(1)Incumbents must have a good personality and character, be passionate in food and beverages industry, hard working and willing to relocate within China as and when required; 

(2)Must have a university degree or higher vocational diploma in either hotel, hospitality or food and beverages management awarded by an institution (local or oversea) recognized by the Ministry of Education in China;

(3)Incumbents having a sound knowledge and skill on a second language e.g., English, Japanese, or other European languages will be given priority consideration; 


Incumbents will undergo a 2 years training program as a management trainee. He or she will spend the first 12 months serving different positions within our own corporation, which would include training at our group headquarter on office, administration, planning and finance works; training at various restaurants and fast food outlets as serving or kitchen staff. Incumbents will spend his or her second year of training at hotels, restaurants or fast food outlets operate by other F & B operators (and may undergo training at oversea operators associate with us, subject to obtaining working permit in the host country).  


A salary of RMB3,500 to RMB4,000 per month(depending on qualification of individual candidate e.g., fluency in a third language in addition to Chinese and English will receive an extra RMB 300)plus mandatory insurances as well as accommodation and employee meals will be offered to successful incumbents.   Upon the completion of the Management Trainees Program, and if successfully selected by us, the incumbents may enter into permanent employment at various junior management positions within our organization.


If you are interested in meeting this interesting and highly rewarding challenge, please send your CV (Chinese and English version) together with a one page self description write up (which should include your objective and ambition) to our HR manager at:

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