On August 19, 2010 I embarked on what would end up being the most exciting trip I’ve ever taken in my life. From the day that we landed in Beijing to my last final I have enjoyed every day of this trip. The first couple of days I asked myself what am I doing? Am I really here in China? At times I would wake up in the morning thinking everything was normal then seconds later remember that I am in China.
This trip has opened my eyes; it has made me realize that if you really want something you can conquer it. Before the coming here I didn’t know what to expect of China. You can read all the books you want about China but nothing like seeing it and living it. The bonds that I have created with my Chinese friends and faculty will last a life time and soon I will come back to learn their native language.
I feel that I am leaving China with an upper hand amongst my peers in America. I am definitely a lot more cultured, open-minded, and knowledgeable then I was before and I am glad to say that my friends here at TUC are responsible for that. There are many great people in China, those same people are the ones who have inspired to learn more, to create and conquer more endeavors that I set for myself in life.
Overall China has taught me many things from living a balanced life like the Chinese kung fu, to making awesome Kung POW Chicken. Like I said before China is amazing and I will recommend all of my peers back home to come and visit this wonderful country.