The main reason for me to come to China and study for a full semester was to experience life in a new environment with different culture, custom, food, and people. Having the opportunity to come to TUC-FIU, it was the first step of this experience.
My others two friends from Miami and I were received by this group of nice, friendly student of FIU. They opened themselves to us offering any help that we would need during the semester, and the most touching aspect was their friendship. I think that is valuable and priceless because no matter whom you are, where you from, or how you look these students extended a hand and welcomed us. Since then, these student, or I should say friends, have supported and helped us in every aspect that my two friends and I have encountered in TUC-FIU and China. Also, I have met numerous of student and classmate that have lent a hand throughout this time. The first two weeks was a challenge to adapt to the classes and to settle down overall, but there were always someone that would help us. Another interesting point is that the floor where my 2 friends and I are staying there are many others international students from all over the world. To get to know and live in the same floor with these people from others countries, it is valuable experience.
Even though my root is Chinese because both of my parents are from China, I have learned much more about the way of life in china, the custom of china, and the festivals of china. I have learned what people usually do during the spring festival, which is different from what I known. Moreover, besides having fun with my two friends by travelling to others cities, I experienced and gained more knowledge about the history and culture of this country.
The hospitality from TUC-FIU and the people that comprise this school and program has been incredible amazing and encouraging. I think this is the most memorable value from this experience or journey, other than education, that I would appreciate and take back with me to Miami.
————Sumching Yuen

Who would have ever thought I would be in China to study aboard. When I look back on what I have experienced so far, TUC and the FIU University in Tianjin, China has been indescribable. The staff, the teachers and especially the students is what makes this campus come to life, and it show how much pride everyone loves to be here. To be hospitality major, going forward with an International Business Masters, the concepts have changed my mind completely on how to look at the world.
While at TUC- FIU we had a whole month off, for the Spring Festival and honestly, if my American classmates and I did not have this time we would have never enjoyed the surroundings of Tianjin as much as we have had. We traveled all over, to Beijing, Shanghai, Guilin, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and many more places. All thru this our Chinese classmates met us and traveled with us, I believe we have made numerous of life time friends. Many of them showed us and told us about enormous amounts of detailed information about Chinese culture, traditions, beliefs and history. To be able to learn, understand, talk, and share my life with the students here has been a once and a lifetime experience.
Sometimes I wonder if I was never to be able to have this experience where would I have been. Trying for another program or still stuck at my job wondering about life and where it would take me?
Growing up in a third world country, Peru, I always had to take in the good and the bad, more good than bad sometimes, but I ended up loving it and calling it home. China has given me another view on how the world is. There are some things you will never forget and this is at the top of the list. When you read about places you forget, when you see places you remember and when you do, you understand and that is what I have come to appreciate from this whole experience.
Thank you Robin for all your help, and hospitality!
————Alysha Mamud

Studying abroad is a grand journey that students can embark on throughout their college years; it does not only provide the experience of visiting a foreign country, but it is an opportunity that the individual has to learn about the country’s history, customs, people, traditions and language on a more personal note.
Being a college student from Miami; the chance to study abroad was something that I had in my plans since I started attending FIU. Having been able to see the world in a whole other perspective was a motivation in itself and an even greater one to study in a country that it said to be a big part of the future in our world. Since my arrival in Beijing, the most shocking, yet memorable aspect of the semester has been the hospitality people have shown towards my two friends and I; we were welcomed by several Chinese students which helped us from the very start. The transition from being a student in Miami to TUC-FIU was one of great ease. The students, teachers and faculty helped us with any questions, concerns and issues we may have needed help with. Always very polite and eagered to learn about us; the students offered to help us learn Chinese and would take my friends and I to historical places and famous streets when we had time off from school, while teachers would always make sure we understood the material and helped us with any question and the faculty was always very reliable.
The room arrangements were such that my roommate and I were on the international floor with other students from different parts of the world. That allowed us the opportunity to meet people from different background and share different experiences. Having studied abroad throughout the spring semester let my friends and I experience the Spring Festivities of the year of the tiger all throughout China. With help from the students and staff, we traveled to Shanghai and other surrounding cities in the south of China. The opportunities this study abroad program has given me so far have been well worth what I could have imagined. The campus being situated in a developing city sparks the desire to come back in later years.
Overall this semester has been everything I could have hoped for. From the snowy weather in the beginning to the people that have contributed to this amazing experience, everything has been new to me in a very positive way. As a student, I recommend this to anyone that is looking for a lifetime of amazing experiences and new opportunities.
————Ruiz, Monica